Tales of Romance and Suspense

I'm a proud member of the Romance Writers of Australia, Romance Writers of America, the Australian Society of Authors, The Romance Writers of New Zealand, and The KSP Writers' Centre.
I'm thrilled to be working with Gumnut Press as my current main publisher.
I always loved to read, but trained as a book-keeper and spent my entire working life in the finance section of the mining industry.
In June 2009 something very odd happened. I woke up at 3am with a scene in my head. The inner thoughts and emotions of the main character in this scene were so crystal clear that I scrambled out of bed, raced to the computer and wrote them down. I haven't stopped writing since. Now my writing world has expanded to include proof-reading and mentoring new writers and I love every second of it.
I love creating stories. I crave writing, and to anyone else out there who feels the same I say, go for it. You never know what surprises life has in store.
Thank you to Sofija and Georgia from the KSP Writers' Centre for chatting to me about contest judging on the 'Writing From Square One episode 6' podcast
Writing From Square One is available on most streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and more!